Say Hello to Liam!

Liam is a drum student at Moon School of Music and was nominated by Mr. Kelton Norris for December Student of the Month. Congratulations!

Liam has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to his lessons, which can be seen and heard in his preparedness for every lesson, calm demeanor, attention to detail, and his overall progress since September. He's full of laughter and takes every musical challenge by the horns. Keep up the good work Liam!


How long have you been playing your instrument?

I began playing the drums about three months ago.

What type of music do you like to listen to?

I like to listen to rock and jazz music, depending on how I feel.

What is your favorite subject at school?

My favorite subject in school is history.

Who is your favorite musician? Why?

One of my favorite musicians is Freddie Mercury, because he wrote interesting songs and was a really good singer.

What is your favorite part about music lessons?

My favorite part about music lessons is demonstrating what I have learned that week.

What advice would you give to a drum student just starting out at MSM?

My advice to a new drum student would be to use professional drumsticks, because they make a better sound. Also, no matter how hard it is to learn something new, don’t give up.