Say Hello to Nicolas!

Nicolas is a guitar student at Moon School of Music and was nominated by Mr. James Weiss for October Student of the Month. Congratulations!

Nicolas has an outstanding attitude that conveys his honesty, integrity, and enthusiasm. He comes to every lesson prepared and ready to learn more. He listens attentively to all my instructions and follows them closely. He often provides weekly updates on his developing practice routine. He shows improvement each week and clearly demonstrates that he has put time in on his instrument. His enthusiasm and dedication are both apparent through his playing and disposition. He is a great student and a joy to work with. He shows much potential, and I am very excited to see him grow as a guitarist and musician.


How long have you been playing your instruments?

8 months

What type of music do you like to listen to?

Reggaeton and Rock 

Who is your favorite musician? Why?

Ozuna because he speaks Spanish and a bit of English and he plays Reggaeton. 

What is your favorite part about music lessons?

Learning and having fun. 

What advice would you give to a guitar student just starting out at MSM? 

To not focus on being fast but finger placing. 

Anything else you would like to share with us?

Being at MSM is a pleasure 🙂