All Teachers at MSM are expected to be active leaders and participants in the recital. All teachers are assigned to two main roles – Lead Teacher and Facilitator.
As the name suggests, the Lead Teacher leads the recital from start to finish. The role includes proper representation of MSM through a well-thought-out opening and closing remark, overall flow management, time management, and any “filler” exchange as needed.
The Facilitator’s primary duty is to support the Lead Teacher. The role includes, but is not limited to, ushering, role calls, arranging student seating arrangements, announcing student names, etc.
Recital Registration at Moon School of Music follows an intricate process between student and teacher, which demands careful attention.
All registration is done by students and parents at MSM. However, you must give your professional input on whether the timing for the recital is suitable for the student based on the student’s growth and ability at the time of registration. If the student is a minor (under 18), all matters should be discussed with the parents, and the parents must consent to the decision to perform (or not) in the recital.
Students receive an online registration form via email and can choose their time based on their schedule.
Once the registration is confirmed, teachers submit program details for each student through a separate online form.
All teachers are expected to prepare students to perform well at the recital unless the student AND parent aren’t cooperative with your lessons.
Let’s be very clear. Parents EXPECT their children to perform and perform well. Recital reflects their progress and provides time in which they evaluate you as a teacher. However, if the student is not listening or following your instructions despite numerous conversations with them and their parents, their performance shouldn’t reflect you as their teacher.
At Moon, the teachers ultimately determine whether students perform or not and have the power to remove students from the recital. This decision should be made carefully – we require written communication records between you and the parents to validate whether proper communication preceded such a decision due to negligence and inconsistency.
All Students, regardless of level, prepare (2) songs/pieces. These songs/pieces should be recital material – stay away from method books.
Recital songs/pieces should be challenging and carefully considered before selection. The selections must be age-appropriate and non-political, and teachers must filter the content and language.
All performances must be performed from memory (No music on the music stand) unless common practice allows it, such as in chamber music.
In case of accompanying the student, the song/piece should be absent from the stand.
Non-piano students must be accompanied by a teacher or backing track with precise counts to the song’s entrance. If the student is working on a melody, the backing track should provide harmony/rhythm. The backing track should provide the melody if the student is working on chords.
Teach/review proper recital etiquette in class.
Here are some helpful tips to better prepare students for recitals: